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3 Ways to Break Through Barriers

Erin Mellinger • September 19, 2022

We work with clients every day who are on a journey to better health. And a journey is exactly what it is. There are highs, lows, motivations, discouragements, successes, and failures.

I like to ask clients to think about barriers to success and try to identify the things that may get in the way of them achieving their goals. Clients often mention time, stress, injuries, or even a lack of support around them.

Although we see a lot of common barriers, there are so many different things that could potentially get in the way of people achieving their goals. Here are three things you can do, no matter your barrier, to break through it and see results.

  1. Identify those barriers. As I mentioned, it’s important to identify what obstacles are or could potentially get in the way of you reaching your goals. Simply taking the time to apply thought to this and listing them is the first step to breaking through them.
  2. Write a positive action item or affirmation for each barrier you have identified. For example, you may recognize time as a barrier to success. A positive affirmation would be “Time is not my issue; it is priority management. I will make exercise a priority in my schedule.” Once the positive affirmations are written down, put them in a place where you can read them each day.
  3. Believe in yourself! I understand that telling you to believe in yourself is almost so predictable it prompts no emotional response at all. But, believing in yourself takes effort for so many people. They venture out to permanently change their lifestyle, but their past failures are in the corner of their mind producing doubt and making those barriers look bigger than they are. Please KNOW that you CAN do this, don’t just hope you can.
    If you need any additional help breaking through those barriers to success, your trainers at Axio Fitness are always here to help!

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