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The Best Time to do Cardio

Sep 19, 2024

If you plan to go to a personal training session or do a workout in a gym, it should include both cardio and weight training. 

Cardio includes walking, jogging, biking, rowing, etc. Weight training includes squats, lunges, bench press, etc.

There has been a debate for years about which should be done first, cardio or weight training. Many physical therapists recommend doing your cardio first to avoid injury. However, some research suggests that if you have a goal of weight loss, it is best to do cardio after a weight training workout because you use more stored fat as fuel while doing cardio. 

Although there seems to be mixed opinions about both, the most logical recommendation is to consider your goals and start your workout with whatever you want to focus on or improve. 

If you want to improve the amount of weight you can squat, you should start with squats and do them before fatiguing your legs with cardio. If you want to improve your run time, you should run first before you wear out your legs with squats or lunges. 

More than anything, keep in mind that all physical activity is good! It is important to include both cardio and weight training in your physical activity for optimal health. So, no matter the order, it is best to ensure you spend time doing both. 

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19 Sep, 2024
If you plan to go to a personal training session or do a workout in a gym, it should include both cardio and weight training. Cardio includes walking, jogging, biking, rowing, etc. Weight training includes squats, lunges, bench press, etc. There has been a debate for years about which should be done first, cardio or weight training. Many physical therapists recommend doing your cardio first to avoid injury. However, some research suggests that if you have a goal of weight loss, it is best to do cardio after a weight training workout because you use more stored fat as fuel while doing cardio. Although there seems to be mixed opinions about both, the most logical recommendation is to consider your goals and start your workout with whatever you want to focus on or improve. If you want to improve the amount of weight you can squat, you should start with squats and do them before fatiguing your legs with cardio. If you want to improve your run time, you should run first before you wear out your legs with squats or lunges. More than anything, keep in mind that all physical activity is good! It is important to include both cardio and weight training in your physical activity for optimal health. So, no matter the order, it is best to ensure you spend time doing both.
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